Would you like to do earth stewardship in your community? Then join a local chapter of LDSES! Our goal is to sponsor chapters around the globe.
Local chapters of LDSES meet online and in-person to learn about earth stewardship topics, discuss books, serve their community, and advocate for local environmental needs.
Groups have been formed and are currently making a difference. Look below to see if there is a group near you. Don’t see your area listed? Email us to see if a group is forming in your area or complete an application to start your own group. We’ll support you every step of the way. Would you like to meet online to discuss books on earth stewardship? What about starting an environmentally focused group for parents and young children? The possibilities are endless.
To form a new group you need to complete the application and with four others sign an MOU with LDS Earth Stewardship.
Members come from MD, DC, VA and other mid-Atlantic states.
Members come from Salt Lake City and surrounding areas.
Members come from Scotland and other areas of the United Kingdom.
Members come from the Bay Area and other areas of Northern California.
Members come from Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho.
Members come from the Logan, UT area including those in Cache, Box Elder, and Rich counties in Utah and Franklin County, Idaho.