Join us on Zoom to discuss earth stewardship with fellow Latter-day Saints.
In the Company of Stewards meetings hearken back to how a company of pioneers would circle their wagons for the night and gather together for uplifting and constructive conversation. These virtual meetings provide Latter-day Saint earth stewards across the world with community, knowledge, and inspiration to support them on their journey of caring for Creation.
These meetings are held on Zoom, facilitated by a host, and recorded for publication on the Latter-day Saint Earth Stewardship YouTube channel.
In the Company of Stewards is held every other month on the 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 pm Mountain time. Registration is open for upcoming sessions: sign up for our newsletter to get the Zoom link.
If you would like to give a presentation for the In the Company of Stewards program, please email us at [email protected].
Alisse Garner Metge shares how she lives her earth stewardship testimony by discussing how we can talk about politics, religion, and climate change.
Amy Walpole shares how she lives her earth stewardship testimony by converting her yard from turf to a more biodiverse landscape.
Jeremy Porter shares how he lives his earth stewardship testimony by stopping ocean plastic while helping people out of poverty.
David and Marnie Kuhns share how they live their earth stewardship testimony by being partners with the Creator and His Creations.
Ralf Grünke, chair of our Germany group, and Graham Winkle, chair of our UK group, share how they live their earth stewardship testimony by discussing their experiences from Europe.
BYU students and faculty share how they live their earth stewardship testimonies by engaging with others in conversations about climate change.
Andrew Carman shares how he lives his earth stewardship testimony by discussing favelas as sustainable urban communities.
Logan Millsap shares how he lives his earth stewardship testimony by discussing bicycles and building Zion.
Dr. Becca Clement shares how she lives her earth stewardship testimony by discussing lessons learned from interacting with termites and other “insignificant” creations.
Teresa Gomez and Steve Schill share how they lives their earth stewardship testimony by discussing mapping for conservation.
Søren Simonsen shares how he lives his earth stewardship testimony by discussing conservation, consecration, and the Plat of Zion.
Phil Brueck shares how he lives his earth stewardship testimony by explaining the simple complexities of the creation.
Jared Meek shares how he lives his earth stewardship testimony by explaining the connections among genealogy, evolution, and trees of life.
Merikay Smith shares how she lives her earth stewardship testimony by explaining the process of setting up a local LDSES group.
John Jacob shares how he lives his earth stewardship testimony by encouraging development that encourages better stewardship of watersheds.
Cassandra Goodmansen shares how she lives her earth stewardship testimony by practicing permaculture.
Mike Christensen shares how he lives his earth stewardship testimony by traveling on Amtrak.
Clint Whipple shares how he lives his earth stewardship testimony through community gardening.
Kira Smiley and Merikay Smith share how they live their earth stewardship testimony by cultivating earth stewardship in their congregations.
Dania Ellingson shares how she lives her earth stewardship testimony by reducing food waste.
Joe Richardson shares how he lives his earth stewardship testimony by reducing and repurposing food waste from schools.
Ellen White shares how she lives her earth stewardship testimony by eating in a way that’s mindful of Creation.